3 Things That Should Go In Your Storage Unit Before Spring
Posted on:
4 February 2016
Having a storage unit can be a great way to cut down on the amount of clutter and unnecessary items that fill up your home. For example, it's a great place to keep seasonal items that you won't need for the next few months. If you want to get your home ready for spring, consider moving these items to your storage unit before the weather starts warming up.
1. Holiday Decorations
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5 Ways Your Storage Unit Can Help You When You're Moving
Posted on:
15 January 2016
Moving is one of the most stressful and cumbersome processes in life. If you're trying to arrange for an upcoming move between your old home and new home, you might want to put some thought into how a storage unit, such as 1st Stop Storage, can make the process go more smoothly.
The following are five ways you can put your storage unit to use during your move to take some of the stress out of the huge task of relocating your belongings:
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Lighten Your HR Load: Three Reasons To Hire An Emplyment Screening Company
Posted on:
28 December 2015
HR specialists have a heavy workload. From ensuring compliance with government employment guidelines to acting as a mediator for employee conflict resolution, the HR person's available time to pour over job applications and screen applicants may be limited. Hiring an employment screening company can free up some of your HR specialist's time to conduct final interviews and begin the onboarding process for new hires. Here are just a few of the benefits of using an employment screening company.
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Paying For Funeral Costs When Someone You Love Is A Victim Of Homicide
Posted on:
10 December 2015
When someone dies as a result of a violent crime, friends and family members are left dealing with a lot of emotional and financial fall-out, not the least of which is dealing with the expense of a funeral. A traditional funeral now costs between $7,000 and $10,000. Funeral directors estimate that only one murder victim out of ten has life insurance. What can families of the deceased do when they lack the funds for a funeral?
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